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Leaf Pattern Design

Emily Whittaker

UFV Psychology Student (2019-Present)


Territorial Acknowledgement

I would like to express my gratitude to be able to live, work and study on the ancestral and unceded territory of the First Nations of British Columbia. The Fraser valley region is located on the sacred land of the Stó:lō people, and the part of Chilliwack I currently live in rightfully belongs to the Tzeachten First Nations.

Working with Mental Health

      Mental health has always been a significant part of my life. In high school, my mental health declined rapidly. At this point, I was given access to various counselling and mental health services that have forever had a positive impact on my life; I was so inspired by those who helped me that I decided to study psychology in university in hopes of becoming a counsellor myself. As someone with lived experience in mental health struggles, I aspire to be a counsellor who can support struggling adolescents by providing them with the tools they need to help them cope. By pursuing counselling, I hope to become an inspiration to future youth and prove to them that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to mental health.

      In becoming a counsellor, I highly value integrating diversity and inclusion into mental health treatment. We have so much to learn from people of different cultures, religions, and identities, and creating a space in which they can freely express themselves is crucial to helping them heal. I also highly value empathy and openness, and hope to create a safe space in which people are free to communicate their needs without fear of judgement. While I have experience in motivational speaking to youth with mental health struggles and participating in mental health workshops, my most significant experience in this field came from doing a counselling practicum with UFV. Here, I was able to practice and learn about counselling in a real-world environment.

      To me, being a global citizen expanding your identity from being a citizen of your country to being a citizen of the earth, unbound by borders. It is recognizing the world outside of your immediate surroundings and seeking to understand it. As global citizens, we have the duty of caring for our people and standing up to injustices that discriminate against them, just as any country citizen would. Becoming a global citizen taught me not to recognize the differences between myself and other people around the world, but rather to recognize the similarities we share. Every day, I further expand my global citizenship by learning about different cultures and becoming self aware of any biases I may have because of my own culture. Thanks to the COIL project I participated in during my time at UFV, I have been able to grow on my identity as a citizen of the world.

Global Citizenship

Praying Together

"Diversity may be the hardest thing for a society to live with, and perhaps the most dangerous thing for a society to be without"

- William Sloane Coffin Jr.

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